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Oct 14-17 2012 Manitou Springs Colorado

Oct 14-17 2012 Manitou Springs Colorado

We left a freezing cold Grand Lake and set off for Manitou Springs
Prior to leaving the Grand Lake region of the Rockies I rang Brendan to get his input on Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. I knew he had spent some time there and probably could narrow down our options. We were considering spending a couple of days in Colorado Springs and one overnight in Santa Fe to break the long journey to Albuquerque.

What a contrast we found once we drove over the mountain pass and into Manitou Springs
Brendan suggested we visit Manitou Springs just outside Colorado Springs and if available to treat ourselves to a stay in the Cliff House. We took his advice and again he came up trumps.

We drove across the mountain pass from Grand Lake and on to Colorado Springs. We shot some video of the snow covered mountains, and trees. Then, as we came around the other side of the mountain we were greeted by blistering sunshine. The contract was unbelievable it was so dramatic. We turned off the heat in the car and within minutes had the air conditioning back on to cool down.

Driving into Manitou Springs we immediately decided that if we could get three nights in the Cliff House we would stay there and then drive directly to Bren's on the 17th. We were fortunate to get their last room.

Manitou Springs is next to so many fabulous tourist attractions. We knew we would never succeed in getting to all of them. We did however cram in some and also spent some time exploring the town. We agreed it is probably one of the most beautiful towns we visited over our two month road trip.

Link to The Town of Manitou.

We loved Manitou, the colourful shop fronts, the quirky shops, the friendly people and the proximity to so many attractions. Have a look at the web site for this beautiful town, Click here

You can view our images of the town on Flickr if you Click Here

The town of Manitou

It was in a shop with the unusual name of Calamity Kites that we met Lynn and Mel Kent. The shop is Lynn's main interest and quirkiness of the shop is a reflection of her wonderful personality.

Mel helps out in the shop but he spends most of his time working with charities, Mel is employed, in a contract role, by different charities to draw up a comprehensive plan aimed at achieving a targeted fund over a fixed period of time. He travels all over the US to assist the charities. The process is not just about the plan. He engages with local business leaders seeking their commitment and support for the duration of the project which may take up to five years. He is passionate about the role. Sounds like a very interesting and rewarding role.

If you ever get to Manitou, and meet Lynn, ask her to tell you her stories about her encounters with the black bear. It's the way she tells it : )

You can follow their shop on Facebook at  

Lynn and Mel Kent of Calamity Kites in Manitou

Use this link to see  The Garden of the Gods web site

The Garden of the Gods is a must see if you travel to Colorado. It is simply stunning. Red sandstone rocks tower above the trees creating this iconic landscape.

Have a look at our images at the Garden of the Gods - Click here

Garden of the Gods - Manitou

Follow this link for the official site for Cave of the Winds:

We enjoyed a very interesting and entertaining tour of these fascinating caves. Unfortunately we could not avail of some of the more thrilling attractions (a) Zip Line and (b) Wind Walker Challenge as they only operate at weekends this time of year.

Cave of the Winds Manitou

Have a look at some of our images from the Cave of the Winds and the Cliff Dwellings - Click here

Official site for the Cliff Dwellings at Manitou

The Cliff dwellings at Manitou were interesting but disappointing

Cliff Dwellings Manitou

Official site for the Pikes Peak Cog Railway

We travelled on the famous Cog Railway to the summit of Pikes Peak. We were at 14,110 ft above sea level. It was bitter cold and the wind would cut through you. While outside taking photos I felt fine but as soon as I returned indoors I felt slightly light headed but it passed. Brenda was a little worse but once she returned to the train she felt fine.  The view from the summit is amazing.

Have a look at a few of our images from this trip - Click here

What better way to close off the day than a cool beer on the veranda before getting ready for dinner : )

A cool beer at the end of the day - perfect : )

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