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Hey, while I have your attention: Have a look at my other new site where I invite you, my readers, to share all your special stories. Have a look here: URMEMOIR.wordpress.COM
Sep 3rd and 4th 2012

Monday Sept 3rd 2012

Left for Santa Monica, went up to Hollywood, decided to stay and have a look around.

Tuesday Sept 4th 2012

Went to Hollywood hills to take photo
Venice Beach
Follow these links for more information: 
Los Angeles
Venice Beach
Santa Monica

Our images from Los Angeles

We took off for Santa Barbara but only got to Oxnard. We stayed over in Oxnard and moved on the next morning.


  1. Wow! is that Marilyn a REAL LIFE PERSON? She looks like a doll!!

  2. Unfortunately she is just made from wax. Use to advertise the hollywood madam Tussauds wax museum


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